


Certain pigment marks like freckles can serve as beauty marks for some. Others may feel uncomfortable with having these marks on their skin. If you fall in the latter category, we can help. At MMC Medical Aesthetics, we offer Xeo® Skin Revitalization to remove freckles and other hyperpigmentation marks. Schedule an appointment today to learn more.


What Causes Forehead Wrinkles?

Freckles are caused by harmless melanin overproduction. Melanin is a polymer responsible for skin and hair color (pigmentation). When your skin is overexposed to the sun, brown spots and hyperpigmentation can occur. In some cases, that exposure causes small dots to form on the skin. These dots can be pale or dark, and their appearance is also attributed to genetics.
freckles treatment

What Are the Treatment Options?

We offer Xeo® Skin Revitalization to treat freckles and other pigmentation issues. This non-invasive laser device is designed to rebalance and repair your skin’s overall integrity and complexion. Treatments take little time and cause little-to-no downtime afterward.

What to Expect?

Treatment sessions with Xeo® typically take less than an hour. The process had been described as feeling like the sting of a rubber band against the skin. Some heat may be experienced as well. After your session, your skin may appear pink or red at the treated site, which could last several hours. You may be asked to avoid sun exposure for a short time afterward, depending upon the outcome of your procedure.

Remove Freckles in Fort McMurray, Alberta

If you have freckles that you’d prefer to live without, our Xeo® treatments can help. These treatments are non-invasive and can provide you with long-lasting results. Schedule your consultation by filling out the form below, or give us a call at (587) 536-1247 to learn more about this treatment option.


Xeo® Skin Revitalization

Woman with curly hair smiling and looking off to the side


TEST Ready to get started? Our team of aesthetics experts is standing by to give you the best care on this side of Alberta. Get in touch today and schedule your initial consultation to find the ideal treatment. You can reach us using the form below or by calling (587) 536-1247.