Acne Scars

Acne Scars

Acne Scars

The appearance of acne scars can be enough to ruin anyone’s day. Fortunately, treating these scars has just gotten easier thanks to the Xeo® Skin Revitalization device. This system allows us to address this and other issues without requiring invasive or extensive procedures. Get in touch with our Fort McMurray, Alberta office to learn more.


What causes Acne Scars?

Scarring is a common aftermath of acne. Genetics plays a key role in how much acne and subsequent scarring we can have. Acne scars develop when we have big acne flare-ups. After a flare-up, our bodies rapidly release collagen to counteract the damage. As a result of this rapid release, our skin becomes thicker and less flexible, giving it that characteristic bumpy texture.
acne treatment

What Are the Treatment Options?

Here at our office, we offer the Xeo® Skin Revitalization treatment. Specifically, the Pearl® Fractional Er:YSGG attachment can provide an effective treatment for the appearance of acne scars. This device is non-invasive and relies on laser light energy to treat your skin issues. Treatments take little time, but several sessions may be needed to get the results you’re hoping for.

What to Expect?

Treatments are performed in the comfort of our office here in Fort McMurray. During your session, we will use the Pearl® handpiece against your skin. The process will feel like a sting, similar to the snap of a rubber band against the skin. Feeling a warm sensation is common as well. After your session, you may experience some treatment-site redness. After the procedure, you can return to the rest of your day as no downtime is required.

Schedule Treatments For Acne Scars in Fort McMurray, Alberta

If you struggle with acne scars, our Xeo® laser treatments may be right for you. These treatments are non-invasive and can give you the smooth skin you desire. To learn more about this treatment, schedule your consultation by filling out the form below or give us a call at (587) 536-1247.


Xeo® Skin Revitalization

Woman with curly hair smiling and looking off to the side


TEST Ready to get started? Our team of aesthetics experts is standing by to give you the best care on this side of Alberta. Get in touch today and schedule your initial consultation to find the ideal treatment. You can reach us using the form below or by calling (587) 536-1247.